Sims 4 teen young adult woohoo mod

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School is identical for teenagers as it is for Children, even down to the times they have to arrive. If you play many generations, you'll start to see more and more variety as additional and different genes are introduced into a family line. Vivian for example lacks the high cheekbones that Christine has, in general having facial features that more match Freddie. Some randomization is at play, just like real-life genetics. Anna inherits the wider hips and rounder buttocks that we gave Christine during Create a Sim, while still inheriting a few features from Freddie as well. Now as a teenager, Anna's body even changes based on her parents' shapes. As a Child, Anna's face was altered based on the genes of her parents, but she always had the same body type. More detailed phenotypes also come into play as a teenager. Unlike in previous versions of the franchise, whatever clothes Anna uses as a teenager will be the same outfits she'll have as an adult. She can choose from the full range of clothing, unlike children. The cosmetic options for Anna grow as well now that she's an adult.

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